The Sum Of All Smoke

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A Love Letter to the Food Blogger...

When I set out on this journey of becoming a food blogger, my thought was this… I’m a good cook (maybe a great cook). I know what I bring to the table, I know my art. But as I view this new & vast world, the world of the food blogger, I am deeply humbled. It involves much more than being competent & creative in the kitchen, or captivating an audience with words or evoking a feeling from a photograph. That is only the beginning.

You must become a modern day Renaissance (Wo)Man, mastering multiple arts. You must become computer competent. Social media savvy. A marketing genius. You will find yourself strangely drawn to, anything with rust or patina. You will become a seeker of props & a painter of backdrops. Creative wheels turning at midnight; a better angle, a new flavor profile.

Every single day is a new learning curve. Terminology swimming in my head like aimless little sea turtles. SEO…. #hashtags… links…social media platform…affiliates. Dumbfounded as to why my pictures are pixelated or have too much noise. At least once a day, I run my fingers through my hair pulling upward as I stare at the computer screen. Holding my hair in suspended animation like a crazy person waiting for the answer to manifest. That being said….all kitchen muses are a bit touched anyways.

So this little Love letter goes out to all of you creative minds. Kindred spirits. Lovers of food. To the writers, the photographers, the food stylist, the cooks & the bakers. You are all artists. In the truest sense of the word.

Love Wendi

Anatomy of a Kitchen