The Sum Of All Smoke

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"Don't be a little Tart..."

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noun: an open pastry case containing a filling.


noun: a woman who behaves in a way that is tasteless…

Never be the latter. Master the first.

If you can master a classic French Tart, then darling you can overcome anything. Chapter 2 of “When life gives you Lemons…” we confront the Tart, lemonize it, and serve life by the slice.

Makes 1-9”Lemon Tart (or 5-6 Tartletes)

The crust; Pate Brisee (pronounced pot bree zay).

  • 1 1/2 cups pastry flour

  • 1/4 tsp. salt

  • 1/4 cup bakers sugar

  • 1/2 cup cold butter, cubed (1 stick)

  • 1 large egg, beaten

  • 1/2 tsp. almond extract (vanilla would work equally well here)

  • 1 1/2 tsp. lemon zest

The filling; Lemon Curd.

  • 1 tbsp. lemon zest (use a Microplane zester for this it makes the finest zest)

  • 1/2 cup+2 tbsp. sugar

  • 2 large eggs+2 egg yolks, beaten

  • 3/4 cup fresh lemon juice

  • 1/4 cup heavy cream

  • 1/4 cup powered sugar for dusting

  • If desired, garnish with 1 pint fresh raspberries


1.) Sift flour, salt & sugar into a medium sized bowl. Work the cold, cubed butter into the flour mixture using your finger tips until it resembles course bread crumbs. Make a well in the center.

2.) Into the well add beaten egg, almond extract & lemon zest. Mix to form a soft dough.

3.) Turn the dough out onto a lightly floured work surface & gently knead just until its smooth & well mixed. Shape into a disk, cover with plastic wrap & refrigerate for 30 min.

4.) Once the pastry is well chilled removed from the refrigerator and let the dough stand a few minutes, making it more pliable. On a lightly floured surface, roll the dough into an 11” circle. Roll the circle loosely onto your rolling pin & transfer into a 9.5” tart pan (or you may distribute dough between 6 mini tart pans as illustrated below.) Ease the dough into the recesses of the pan, then run the rolling pin over the top to trim excess dough. Place in freezer for 20 min. This relaxes the gluten & prevents shrinkage.

5.) Preheat over to 400F. Remove pastry from freezer, prick the bottom of the dough with a fork, press a piece of parchment over the bottom & fill with pie weights or dried beans. Bake until just golden but not browned, approximately 15 minutes but no longer than 20. Remove from oven, remove parchment paper & pie weights. Return crust to the oven & bake another 5 min. Remove from oven & prepare your curd.

Lemon Curd.

1.) Mix lemon zest with sugar working it in with your finger tips until the zest is well distributed. Set aside.

2.) Create a water bath (a bain-marie) by filling a medium sized saucepan approximately 1/3 full with water & heat until small bubbles form. At this point turn your heat down low, you want your water simmering, not boiling (smiling not laughing). You will need a medium sized metal bowl that will fit over the heated water without actually touching the surface of water. In the metal bowl, over the water bath, whisk together the eggs & egg yolks. Add the sugar with zest, then the lemon juice & finally the cream. Over gentle heat, cook the curd whisking until smooth & slightly thickened, 8-10 min. Remove from heat & pour into crust through a sieve.

3.) Bake for 10-15 minutes until the curd is just set. Remove from the oven & cool completely. Garnish with fresh raspberries and powdered sugar.