The Sum Of All Smoke

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A Place At The Table For Mikey

Our T-Shirts & Aprons arrived today from Inked Up Graphic’s, they did an amazing job, thank you guys! This is one of those surreal yet grounding moments when you see your company’s name in print. They serve as a multi-functional facet to our business. One of the best things about owning your business is you can wear what you want, a comfy T-shirt & jeans with our company logo works for me. They are a wearable expression of your branding that ties you to your community, giving your customers an opportunity to share their support of a local business. But they represent much more that that to me. They are tied to a vision very near to my heart.


A Place at the Table for Mikey is a community outreach program created by The Sum Of All Smoke Food Truck in honor of our late son Michael Kenneth Erickson (my son by birth, Mark’s by choice). Michael had bright blue eyes, a contagious smile & an energy that could light up a room. But it was his kind, giving heart that made him so very special. Many times he gave his last $20 to a stranger who was ‘down on their luck’ as he put it. In the end he made the ultimate sacrifice. Michael drowned, in the Sacramento river, on May 3, 2020 saving someone else. We hope to reflect his kindness by giving back to our community in a practical way. We don’t just want to make a living, we want to make a difference.

For every item sold from our store we will donate $2 to this program. Our primary focus is on the elderly, young ones who find themselves at a disadvantage & others who are not in a position to help themselves. Here are some ways we intend to give back.

  • Meal Delivery Service.

    This service would be provided without cost for people in our community who need a helping hand. Largely reaching out to our elderly many of whom live alone with limited resources.

  • Cooking Lessons.

    A thoughtfully prepared meal is one of the most beautiful expressions of affection. We’ll begin with a few fundamentals then go into meals that can easily be prepared with a few ingredients. In many cultures, teaching the next generation how to prepare food native that region is as important as any other form of education. But by & large we have become detached from our food. We hope to ignite the passion of cooking in those who may not have had an opportunity to learn & practice the art. My husband & I both came from impoverished childhoods but we were both very fortunate to have grandparents who took us under wing & into the kitchen. It was a place of comfort, cooking & conversation. Those experiences would shape our values & our lives.

  • Mentoring Program.

    Mark largely attributes his success in this business to the ROP program which got him off the streets & into a job that became a passion. Mark worked his way up from the bottom as a dishwasher, eventually becoming a certified Flambe Capitan. Passing the torch from one generation to another through our apprenticeship program, we hope to inspire young minds by experiencing food truck life first hand.

  • Scholarship Program.

    By awarding Scholarships to students enrolled in The Hospitality & Culinary Arts Program at Shasta College we hope to inspire these students to pursue their dreams. If not for grants & scholarships to lighten the financial load I would not have been able to go to college for the first time in my forties, . My time at Shasta College was one of the most enriching experiences of my life , I am overwhelmed with gratitude & if not for that opportunity I would be where I am today.

would you like to be a part? Here are some ways you can lean into the joy & support a place at the table for mikey.

  • Make a purchase from The Sum Of All Smoke Shop & we will contribute $2 of each sale. We have T-shirts & aprons currently but will be adding hoodies, hats, art prints & our smoked salt & herb blends soon.

  • You can donate goods or services. For instance if you are a restaurant you can donate food commodities for cooking lessons or cooking or baking tools or instructional books for college students. Or if you have a specific skill set in the way of cooking, baking or gardening we would love to have you as a guest educator!

Do you have an idea that you would like to share? Or do you know of someone who could benefit from the meal service? Feel free to leave a comment below or use the contact button to message The Sum privately. Please keep your comments respectful.