The Sum Of All Smoke

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Kaffir Lime Beer Nuts

Loves first kiss…

We’re speaking of course, of the first course. The appetizer. It would be much to forward of us to suggest a kiss on the first date. But these spicy nibbles are a respectable start. Serve them with an ice cold beer & a wedge of lime…We recommend 805  (& a chaperone. Yes, they’re that good.) .

Spicy Lime Beer Nuts

Serves 2 generously

  • 1/4 cup peanut oil (or olive oil)

  • 2 cups raw peanuts

  • Sea salt to taste

  • 3 cloves garlic; thinly sliced

  • 3 small Thai chilies (or 1 heaping tbsp. dried Chile Tepins, or 4 dried Chile Arbol)

  • Zest of 1 lime

  • 3 Kaffir Lime Leaves (optional)

Heat the oil in a shallow pan over medium heat until shimmering (definition of shimmering; hot but not smoking. The oil will take on a hazy apperance). Fry peanuts until golden, shaking pan frequently, remove with a slotted spoon, drain briefly on paper towels then put in a bowl & toss with sea salt. Fry garlic, chilies & Kaffir Lime Leaves (if using) until fragrant & crisp. Remove from oil, drain on paper towels. Crumble chilies & leaves, add to peanuts along with garlic & zest. Serve warm.

Tip: Under desperate conditions, these can made the day before & stored in an airtight container. Simply rewarm right before service.

Chef Notes: Degrees of heat using the Scoville scale.

We have given you 3 different recommendations for the source of heat in this recipe. Fresh Thai Chilies, dried Chile Tepins or dried Chile Arbol.

#1-Fresh Thai Pepper: 50,000-1000,ooo. Predictably spicy but all over the board in measurable units of heat. In general consideration, I rate them the mildest of the three. Best source for these is an Asian Market. This is also your source for Kaffir Lime Leaves. Both of these fresh commodities can be frozen.

#2-Dried Chile Tepins: 50,ooo-1,628,ooo. Still a broad range but the ones I sampled were hotter than figurative hades. Broke me out in a good clean sweat. I would only use these if you are certain of your beloveds tolerance of capsicum (this is what makes peppers hot). You can find them in the ethnic food section of your grocery store.

#3-Dried Chile Arbol: 15,000-30,000. Nice flavor on these dried chilles’, just a slight warmth. This is a safe zone for heat. You can find them in the ethnic food section of your local grocery store.