The Lemon Cloud. A Heavenly Virgin Cocktail...

Marks Lemon Clous

The Lemon Cloud. A heavenly virgin cocktail reminiscent of Lemon Meringue Pie.

Serves 1

  • 1/2 cup cracked ice

  • 1/4 cup whipped cream, from a can

  • 1 oz. fresh lemon juice

  • 1 cup 7-up (or other clear lemon lime soda)

1.) Place cracked ice in a chimney glass (also referred to as a highball or Collins glass) & add whipped cream (about the size of two golf balls) & gently toss. Add lemon juice & toss very lightly.

2.) Very slowly pour 7-up right in the center of the glass, about 3/4 of the way. Pause a few seconds to allow the chemical reaction to occur, the cloud will begin to form & rise. Pour remaining 7-up right in the center until cloud rises out of glass. Garnish as desired & serve.