The Sum Of All Smoke

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Ain't U a Honey of a Pear | Pan Roasted Red Anjou with Wildflower Honey

Pan Roasted Red Anjou Pears with Honey

A dessert need not be elaborate to be pleasurable. The butter & the honey create an oozy caramel that elevates the elegant Anjou. A dollop of orange cream Chantilly & you have a masterpiece.


  • 2 Red Anjou Pears

  • 2 Tbsp. butter or ghee

  • 3 Tbsp. local wildflower honey

  • freshly grated nutmeg

  • pinch of salt

Cream Chantilly

  • 6 oz. heavy whipping cream, very cold

  • 2 tsp. Grand Marnier

  • 1/2 tsp. tangerine zest

  • a couple drops bourbon vanilla

Preheat oven to 350f. Cut pears in half & remove center with seeds with a melon baller. Melt 1 Tbsp. of butter & brush the cut side of pears, grate a few passes of fresh nutmeg over pears then place cut side down in cast iron skillet. Roast pears until they are just tender & browned in spots. Remove from oven, divide remaining butter & honey between the hollows of the pears. Using a pastry brush, disperse the mixture over the cut side. Return to oven & roast until the pears begin to caramelize. Remove from oven, cool. These are meant to be enjoyed warm, crowned with Grand Marnier cream Chantilly if you wish.

To make the Chantilly, whip cold cream using a hand mixer or a whip until it begins to take shape, add remaining ingredients, whip to incorporate.