Become a Better Cook | Session 2 | Mise en Place

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Mise en Place.

Mise en Place is French for “Everything in it’s place.” This culinary term is most often used in a commercial kitchen setting but the principles transcend into the home kitchen. In it’s simplest form Mise en Place relates to your prep. But it actually encompasses much more than that. It begins with reading over your recipe. Do you understand each step in the recipe? Do you have the necessary tools to complete the process? After familiarizing yourself with the recipe & required steps…

  • Assemble your ingredients.

  • Sanitize your work station & cutting board (secure board by placing a damp towel underneath it to prevent it from slipping).

  • Gather your tools (make sure your knife is sharp).

  • Prep everything in advance. This would include chopping any vegetables & Measuring out any liquids or other ingredients.

  • Use a separate cutting board for raw meats. Sanitize your work space & thoroughly wash your hands after handling raw meats.

  • The placement of your ingredients should be within reach & in order of which they are to be added in the recipe.

  • Clean as you go. Having everything tidy & organized will ensure your success.

Understanding Mise en Place is your key to success in the kitchen. For a guided tutorial simply click the link below.

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