Posts in Retro
Retro Thursday | The Canned Kid | Spaghetti Ohhhhhh's

The can tells the story, I’m simply the narrator. If your childhood was like mine, than this image brings feelings of both pleasure & discord. Behold the joy of finding a can of spaghetti O’s hiding in the kitchen cabinet! A shinning beacon of pasta hope for the latch key kid. We were the generation of kids that had to figure stuff out on our own & sometimes I think we’re better for it. I am the person I am today because, when necessary, I could open up a can… (Pun fully intended).

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Retro Thursday | Chicken Potpie | TV Dinner | Featuring Roasted Root Vegetables

The classic potpie takes us back to our childhoods, to a simpler times when Grandma would say “Go get yourself a soda pop out of the ice box & share with your brothers!” Oh how we love comfort foods, this recipe is in my top five all time favorites! Featuring a heavenly herb infused puff pastry & rich, roasted root vegetables, its perfect for a cozy weeknight meal.

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Retro Thursday | The Mexican TV Dinner

This is an ode to my childhood. Raised on Banquet Chicken & TV Dinners, if you were fortunate enough to score the Mexican Enchilada dinner with the little nut brownie, you were living high on life. Thus the irony here of preparing a scratch made enchilada & serving it up on a TV tray. Never forget where you come from. It’s these very stories that shape our lives & the values by which we live.

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