Clams in a Euro-Broth


A sensual dance as each clam pops open under the compulsion of heat & the seduction of cream. The naked essence of the clam, drawn out & imbued with white wine, cream & tarragon, to be slurped up using the shell as a vessel. When that isn’t enough, you’ll find yourself mopping up the elixir with crusty hunks of sourdough.

4 main course servings | 6—8 first course

  • 2 cups of dry white wine

  • 1 cup heavy cream

  • 1/4 cup butter, divided

  • 1 shallot, finely minced

  • 1/2 of a bunch of green onions, chopped

  • 4 medium hot house tomatoes, diced

  • 1 bulb of garlic, finely minced (about 1/4 cup)

  • 3 lbs. small clams (or cockles)

  • 1 1/2 cups chicken stock

  • 2 Tbsp. clam base

  • 1/4 cup fresh tarragon, finely minced

  • 1/2 lemon, juiced

  • 2 lemons, wedged

  • 1 large boule of sourdough (or three mini boules)

1.) Place live clams in a large bowl of cold water, sprinkle over 2 Tbsp. of salt, set aside for 20 minutes allowing the clams to purge out sand & residue. Pour off that water & place under cold running water for another 10 minutes. Meanwhile, place white wine in a small sauce pot, reduce by half over low heat, then add cream & continue to reduce. Remove clams from purging water, discard any broken shell or clams that are open, this means they are no longer alive & thus not suitable for eating.

2.) In a very large skillet, saute shallots, garlic & green onions in 3 tbsp. of butter over medium-high heat until softened then add tomatoes. Cook until tomatoes have broken down a bit & released juices then add clams. Saute for a couple of minutes to release the natural juices from the clams. Add chicken stock & clam base.

3.) Meanwhile preheat oven to 400f. Run sourdough boule under water (this contributes to a chewy exterior) then bake until golden & heated through.

4.) Continue to cook over medium heat until clams just begin to pop open then add wine & cream reduction. Continue to gently cook, stirring until clams have opened up then add remaining Tbsp. of butter, lemon juice & tarragon. Serve in bowls with hot sourdough & addition lemon wedges.

Chef Notes: Serve with a lush white wine such as a Pinot Grigio.
